UC Faerie Xweetok Chase Variant Blind Box Pin

UC Faerie Xweetok Chase Variant Blind Box Pin

Type: Pins

Item Group: UC Blind Box Pins - Series 1

Release Date: November 6th, 2023

Manufacturer: What's Your Passion Jewelry

Status: Current

Available at: Hot Topic/Box Lunch

Virtual Prize Code

This item includes a Virtual Prize Code!


This super secret rare pin was added to the first series of Blind Box pins when they launched at retail!
In person photo courtesy of Rex Cannella.


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Virtual Items

You will receive one of these virtual items at random (unless otherwise noted) when entering the code with this item.

Item data courtesy

Included with the Faerie Xweetok variant pin is a code that awards this item.

Faerie Xweetok Suncatcher Garland

Faerie Xweetok Suncatcher Garland